Saturday, September 19, 2015

About Me

I am Jessie. I am an elementary and special education major at the University of Great Falls. I am in my fifth year of study and will be student teaching next semester! I am a very motivated and enthusiastic individual who cannot wait till the day she steps into her very own classroom! I cannot wait to work with kids and make a difference!!
College has been a roller coaster, but now I am to the part where I am thoroughly excited for the rest of it because I am getting closer and closer to the end :) 

 Besides being a full time student and an athlete, I am incredibly busy outside in the community! I give riding lessons to riders of all ranges of ages and abilities. This has given me immense fulfillment as I get to witness incredible growth sprout from my students. It makes me so proud to see them change and reach those goals they thought were so out of reach at the beginning. I also am an active participant in Disability Awareness and Students of Montana Education Club here on campus. In these clubs, we are constantly reaching out into the community and lending a hand. I have volunteered for events ranging from Special Olympics to playing games with the children at the Juvenile Detention Center. As well, I get much joy from being apart of these wonderful clubs! In addition, I am also a volunteer in the community at the Great Falls Rescue Mission, the Great Falls Animal Shelter, the Great Falls Women's Shelter, the Special Olympics of Montana, Eagle Mount, The YWCA, United Way,  and the Boys and Girls Club. I have learned a great deal from being active in my community and am glad to lend a helping hand. The incredible people I have met through these organizations has helped shape my passion for making a difference and I am very fortunate to be a part of so many wonderful associations. I have also been very fortunate to have spent the past year working in the school district at Lewis & Clark Elementary. I worked as a teacher aide, a Instructional Paraprofessional, and a Special Education Extended School Year Paraprofessional. I have enjoyed my time working in the Great Falls Public School District and am fortunate to have gotten these professional experiences. I look forward to spending more time in the district and eventually representing UGF as a teacher in the Great Falls Public School District!

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